Mumbai (Daily Pakistan Online) Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, worried about the criticism of extremist Hindus after the song "Be Sharm Rang" from the movie "Pathan" along with Shah Rukh Khan, left Mumbai for Qatar.

Indian extremists have demanded a ban on "Pathan" due to Deepika dancing in a saffron dress. The song "Be Sharm Rang" from the movie "Pathan" was released a few days ago, which is getting immense appreciation, but the extreme Fanast Hindus also made it controversial, according to reports, Deepika's saffron dress scene with Shah Rukh has been labeled as religious bigotry by Indian extremists.

The Home Minister of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, who belongs to the Bharatiya Janata Party, opposed the color of Deepika's clothes and termed it as support for the protests at the Jawaharlal Nehru University.

He said that if the scenes of the film are not changed, they will ban it in Madhya Pradesh.