At China's hospitals and funeral homes, there are lines: The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that China's hospitals are overflowing with new patients due to the concern of a new Covid-19 outbreak.

Although the WHO's head of emergencies, Dr. Michael Ryan, stated that intensive care units (ICUs) in China are extremely busy, Chinese officials have not provided any figures.

As per the specialists, the quantity of passings because of Coronavirus is exceptionally low, however there are fears that no matter what the authority information, Coronavirus has spread quickly in China.

Dr. Raine said that China's intensive care units had low numbers, but they are also getting full.

"We've been saying for weeks that this is a virus that spreads quickly and will be hard to completely eradicate using only official health systems and social distancing rules,"

Since the government relaxed the "Zero Covid" strategy, there have been more deaths, and crematoriums are having trouble.

After visiting the capital's Dongyao crematorium and crematorium, Associated Press correspondent Dek Kong told the BBC, "There were between one and two dozen people standing outside, and a few." The coffins were being removed from the cars by people.

He also talked to shopkeepers near the crematorium, who said that the number of cars coming to the crematorium has also increased in recent days.

The journalist claims that "one of these people specifically told that according to the estimate, 50 to 100 dead bodies are being burned here every day, while earlier this number used to be a few dozen." This information was provided by one of the individuals.

Crematoriums and cemeteries appear to be busier than usual not just in the city of 2.2 million people.

From the north-east to the south-west of the country, the news agency AFP says, staff at crematoriums are having trouble because of the rise in deaths.

According to an employee of a cemetery in the city of Shenyang, which is located 700 kilometers northeast of Beijing, the bodies that have been brought to him are so large that the staff will not be able to bury them for five days.

The employee asserts that the city's crematoriums can hardly accommodate any more bodies. This kind of circumstance has never occurred to me before in any year.

Although reports of an increase in deaths are common, journalist Dek Kong asserts that it is impossible to quantify the actual increase in Covid-related deaths.

According to the Chinese authorities, only two people died from Covid on Monday, while five people died from Covid on Tuesday. It was the first death from Covid in several weeks, according to officials.

Keep in mind that intense public protests and demonstrations led the Chinese government to lift some of the most stringent restrictions in the world in December. After that, there have been more concerns that the corona epidemic could be disastrous for China in the coming days. This is because China has shielded its people from the effects of the corona epidemic, preventing them from developing the immunity that has been observed in other countries.